Wasps and Dragonflies

On a beautiful sunshiny day, I was sitting outside watching our little one play. It was cool for a July day and the breeze that it brought was quite refreshing. I love summer and all that it brings. I love the busyness of nature, the bright blue skies, and the outside activities that summer holds. 
When I get to be outside, I can't help but contemplate how good our Father is. 

While reflecting in thought and laughing at the silliness of our little man, I had a wasp become very aggressive with me. No matter where in the yard I moved to, it followed me. Normally, I am not afraid of wasps. Wasps usually go on about their business if they are left alone. Not this one! It was mean and on the attack. I told the little guy it was time to go inside. I did not want to be stung and it was obvious to me with this cranky wasp that was bound to happen. 

My nephew's sad little face forced a resolution in me to keep moving around the yard. I didn't want to take him from his fun. Luckily the angry insect was not bothering him. I prayed for God to prevent me from being stung. I finally settled down somewhere that the pest seemed to be okay with. (YAY! Praise Jesus!) Breathing a sigh of relief and thanking God for the shelter, I continued in my thoughts of praise. Not long after this ordeal, I saw a hummingbird hover nearby. We do not have hummingbird feeders (we have read they are dangerous for the birds) and see them rarely on the property. This was a special treat. 

Many of my readers know my story of how God blessed me with a hummingbird and dragonflies in a most supernatural (yet natural) way. Seeing this hummingbird followed by a big beautiful butterfly and the many dragonflies that frequent the property was lifting to my spirit. I consider them pure gifts. I am thankful that I'm able to see them and the beauty that God created in them. I praise God for allowing me these wondrous sights and the ability to take them in. 

I always feel God's love when I take the time to look around me and appreciate all He has blessed me with. The laughter of a boy, the flap of a butterfly, the glimpse of a memory, the kiss of the sun, the breath of a breeze, the hum of dragonflies, and I could go on and on. For us to feel God's love, we need only look. 

I heard in my spirit a teachable moment. How often do we let the wasps of Satan chase or scare us out of exactly where we are supposed to be? We can so easily allow fear or pain to take away the ability to perceive the beautiful gifts and the presence of our loving Father all around us. If I had allowed the wasp to chase me inside, the beauty that came after would have been unseen. These particular memories, of this exact time with my little one, and that particular hour I had with my Lord, would have been lost to me.

I don't know what is taking away your ability to see the gifts around you or to rest in the presence of God, but take a moment to stop and pray and give God your fears, your heartbreaks, even your anger. Then look around you and listen. Notice the praises you can offer God. He surrounds you with them. Sometimes we have to push through what we feel so we can open our spiritual eyes and ears to the glorious wonders of the Lord.  

Perhaps, you are reading this and you say, "all that is around me is a prison cell", "or tragedy", "or emptiness where there use to be family." I encourage you and even push you to allow the Holy Spirit to show you the gifts that the Lord wants you to see and give praise for. You are breathing. You can use your senses to explore things our Father has gifted you with. You can use your mind to read, process, and reason. You are loved! You are healed! If you have received Christ the promises in the Bible are yours. You have a purpose. You can find so many things to focus on to give thanks for. 

Our God promises that He inhabits our praises. He is there in our midst when we praise Him. He gives us Joy in exchange for praise. Our praise defeats the enemy.
Fly-swat the "wasps" of the enemy by giving praise to the Lord! It will lift your spirit and bring healing to those fears and pains the enemy wants us to focus on. Just keep praising until you settle into that place where you rest in the presence of God.

Therefore submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

“In the day when I called out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.” Psalm 138:3

“O God, You are more awesome than Your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people.” Psalm 68:35

“He inhabits the praises of His people.”  Psa. 22:3

"But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;" 1 Pet. 2:9

“In His presence, there is fullness of joy.”  Psa. 16:11

"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands." Psa. 63:3-4

For those of you who are really struggling to see gifts and give praise please pray this with me: 

Father, I am down in my soul and unable to see the gifts that you surround me with. The attacks of the enemy have weakened me and I need you now to help me. Refresh and renew me. Father, your word says you fight for me. I ask right now that you open my spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear the blessings you have for me. I ask that you create in me a renewed mind in Christ. Lord inhabit my praises. Father, pour your oil of joy over me and heal my inner places. Remind me when I am under attack to tell the enemy he is a liar and that I am an overcomer who is touched and protected by you, my most loving and heavenly Lord. Holy Spirit speak to me so that I will be moved by your direction. In Jesus Name, Amen!

If you have never asked the Lord to be your Savior and Master of your life; I invite you to pray this prayer:

Lord I am sinner, I confess myself to you. I believe that you sent Your Son to die on the cross and You raised Him to life again so that I could be called your son or daughter and have eternal life in my Savior Christ my Lord. I ask that you forgive me of my sins and that you come to live in my heart and  fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I give you thanks that today. I'm made new in You. In Jesus Name, Amen!


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